Latest Obsessions: Epicness I can't stop listening to lately

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

To My Beautiful Sister =]

This is a tribute I wrote for my beautiful, strong sister. I love you, honey =]

Unassumed Worth

This is a song for the selfless,
The unassuming sweetness you trail behind you
when you smile, corners nodding and eyes
scintillating wisely, the marrow of your gleaming aura
as your spinning fingers trap the strains
of song in the dimpled, pudgy digits of those who 
run to and always receive –to your very core, you wipe
their snotty little faces with that ripped-up-old-rag of family.
I love you for it, you hint of all the purity lost on this world. 

-that one thought you can always feel behind your mind’s 
processes but never breathe into the substantial-

  This is a song for the broken but faithful,
when I fell, you dug your knees into the pain and crawled on.
when I cried, you saddled your clipped-wing shoulders
with my leaden, smoky tears, and glazed my sorrow 
with that smile I know so well by now –
when I turned from the dignity of that incense rain –and love –
you drank from the torrent, tangible grace running down your chin
and bleeding from your eyes as you healed.

 This is a song for the silent but strong,
when your fears seem to harden in your flaring nostrils,
choking the air from your radiant and giddy perfection,
the beauty in your breath nearly abated by the tears, and
 memories unseen.
You rise again, dusting off those feathery white sky-singers
you even refuse to reflect to yourself.
You give all you have with every outstretched offering,
caring to the capacity of your unblackened arms,
and I love you. 

  I’ll keep myself wrapped around you as long as you need it,
remember how many times you were my solace from 
the dark reaches of this existence?
I’ll carry you until you can unfurl alone,
until you’re ready to fly solo –
with all the glory of that one soul in six billion who 
could dance as high as she wanted, and never be melted
by the plummeting eye of judgment day –
because the wax weaving through your frame isn’t wax 
at all, but

  iron –flawless elegance and excellence
that resonates to the very center of your spirit,
and holds you up like a paper-angel
wheeling through the clouds in a storm-soaked heaven.


  1. I cried so hard the first time I read this it took me a moment to write back! im sorry...but you really must publish your work...its necessary write unlike anyone I have ever seen and the pictures you create with your words make it so that I ACTUALLY UNDERSTAND what you are talking about. I just read everything over and over again. Im still all emotional. For now I will say its lovely, later I will do details. I have been actually having a hard time with it all lately...maybe from talking about it.

  2. whoa i'm impressed :) very very good :)

    thank you for following love, and you're very talented.

