Latest Obsessions: Epicness I can't stop listening to lately

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Hells Yeaaah!

One of my poems, Justification, was recently read aloud on the plinth in London... which is basically a live statue where every hour for 100 days a new person steps up and presents what they feel is part of a portrait of the UK today. One of my friends decided to do a presentation on the paramount importance of friendship and love... and it ended up looking AMAZING but they also read poems on that theme... so I wrote one and it got read in front of WHO KNOWS HOW MANY PEOPLE!!! I'm so excited and happy... but anyway, here's the poem and hope y'all like it.


I could weep footprint after footprint, scarring

teardrops down the earth’s brown flesh

in a line of intricately obsolete evidence

-I was here-

I could wander cloaked in the grey hue of anonymity

a wraith in the corner of the blind man’s eye

Trail myself through Fibonacci roads and the wrinkle on

a newborn brow. I could filter through the

cupped fingers that the expectant child is

blushing protectively over taut mother skin.

I could stand at the top of the world,

fists raised to the galaxies unfurled before me,

and deliver the roar of my defiance to the soil

my sole traveled from head to toe.

-I’ve left my mark-

And my proclamation would lose itself on the wind

and my days would be obliterated with the gentle

rebuke of the ceaseless snowfall.

and I would stand to the end of my days and

never once have conquered the flicker of resolution

For which I poured myself dry.

So I’ll cup your embrace into mine

gather your shimmering essence to myself.

I’ll gaze into the eternities you embody

and dance with the mist of unconditional grace
your eyes exalt in.

I’ll braid my praise into your dreams

and your hopes in every security

I can hold for you, like an oak that longs for

you to sob into its solid consolation.

I’ll take the inspiration you bleed from every pore

and bathe myself til I run red with you.

I’ll entwine your beauty with my very being

and wheel with you through time like the stars.

you justify my existence.

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