Latest Obsessions: Epicness I can't stop listening to lately

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Hells Yeaaah!

One of my poems, Justification, was recently read aloud on the plinth in London... which is basically a live statue where every hour for 100 days a new person steps up and presents what they feel is part of a portrait of the UK today. One of my friends decided to do a presentation on the paramount importance of friendship and love... and it ended up looking AMAZING but they also read poems on that theme... so I wrote one and it got read in front of WHO KNOWS HOW MANY PEOPLE!!! I'm so excited and happy... but anyway, here's the poem and hope y'all like it.


I could weep footprint after footprint, scarring

teardrops down the earth’s brown flesh

in a line of intricately obsolete evidence

-I was here-

I could wander cloaked in the grey hue of anonymity

a wraith in the corner of the blind man’s eye

Trail myself through Fibonacci roads and the wrinkle on

a newborn brow. I could filter through the

cupped fingers that the expectant child is

blushing protectively over taut mother skin.

I could stand at the top of the world,

fists raised to the galaxies unfurled before me,

and deliver the roar of my defiance to the soil

my sole traveled from head to toe.

-I’ve left my mark-

And my proclamation would lose itself on the wind

and my days would be obliterated with the gentle

rebuke of the ceaseless snowfall.

and I would stand to the end of my days and

never once have conquered the flicker of resolution

For which I poured myself dry.

So I’ll cup your embrace into mine

gather your shimmering essence to myself.

I’ll gaze into the eternities you embody

and dance with the mist of unconditional grace
your eyes exalt in.

I’ll braid my praise into your dreams

and your hopes in every security

I can hold for you, like an oak that longs for

you to sob into its solid consolation.

I’ll take the inspiration you bleed from every pore

and bathe myself til I run red with you.

I’ll entwine your beauty with my very being

and wheel with you through time like the stars.

you justify my existence.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Thank You

It's been months since I was molested. Sometimes it feels like years... and I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing. I still think about it sometimes, but I'm so glad to say that it doesn't destroy me every time anymore. Those weeks immediately after what happened I remember the mind-numbing fear, and the insomnia, and the relentless guilt... I remember how I'd recieve messages from him on the phone and just sob with complete and irrational terror and shame (my friends who didn't know at the time gave him my number). I remember dreaming of my friends screaming "Whore." at me and spitting in my face, and dreaming that he was coming after me for telling people when he told me not to. I remember how I shook, when I caught a glimpse of him at a fair, and I remember how I would rub the place on my lip where the bruise had been and scratch my hands because they still felt dirty. I'm writing this now, without shaking, without overwhelming guilt and without tears. I feel strong for the first time.

I want to thank the people that helped me make it, even when it probably looked like I was going insane. (I know this is kind of defeating the purpose of the anonymous blog, but it needs to be said and it's obsolete since they know anyway. It's become less important that I remain anonymous).

Thank you, Ben. Before I even knew what to do with myself, before the shock cleared away enough for me to get depressed you were there to understand. You held my tattered mind together until I could stand on my own, and you didn't abandon me even when I was so needy it must have been draining. You constantly supported me, and didn't blame me for my feelings. You let me sort things out while offering your logic as a frame. I love you.

Thank you, Conor, for showing me how to be strong, and for being my safety net when I decided to stand. Thank you for listening to all my woes, and for believing in me. You make me want to believe in myself, you make me strive to be a better person. Thank you for loving me, and for making me feel safe when I didn't think I ever could be again. Thank you for everything you've said that makes me keep hoping and keep moving forward. I love you, I beyond love you.

Thank you, Ana, for listening to me and for not judging me when other people did. Thank you for hugging me and not letting go when I really needed to cry on someone. Thank you for taking up my cause and standing up to the people who have hurt me. Thank you for always making me laugh. I love you.

Thank you, Sister, for all the understanding and support you've given me. Thank you for trusting me with your story, and telling it here. Thank you for being the beautiful, strong person you are. Thank you for teaching me how to survive, and showing me what real faith looks like. I love you.

Thank you, Nick, for being constant. Thank you for just BEING with me, when you knew I didn't want to talk. Thank you for that cold hard reality check you always gave when I was in wallow mode. Thank you for all the times you've let me vent to you when you were going through hard times as well. You're such a great friend. I love you.

Thank you, Maria. You forgave me for things I had held against you so easily. I'm sorry I was such a shitty friend. Thank you for still being there for me, in spite of it all, and for listening when I could finally tell you the story. I love you.

Thank you Vane and Jossy for not letting our friendship fall apart. You're always true to yourselves, and I love you.

Thank you Connor and Marcelo for helping in all the ways you could, I'm sorry I wasn't there for you. I love you.

To any of you who read this blog, thank you. You know who you are and I appreciate your support immensely. If you are a victim of sexual abuse or assault, please read "This is My Story." or e-mail me at

Monday, July 20, 2009

I wrote a new poem... in a very different style than my usual. So I thought I'd post it and see what people thought. It's inspired by Dylan Thomas's "Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night" and in a form called Villanelle... which basically means every line ends in one of two sounds (lotsa rhyming) and that there are two lines repeated alternated at the end of each stanza. What I meant to say with the poem is that (although this sounds campy) I'm grateful for the dark time that I went through... all the crap and pain. I feel like I've become something brighter... something with more purpose through it. Hope ya'll like it =]

And, Rising

And, rising, bless the Cimmerian shade of night
With cupped snowflake-skin flowing, bathed in sultry rebirth
Praise the darkness that impregnated your essence with light.

 Now permeated with scent of ashes, grasp with might
the memories of a child once holy in its innocence of mirth
And, rising, bless the Cimmerian shade of night.

 And gaze raptly, effervescent, drunk with flight –
into the Neverwere of existence that soured your birth
Praise the darkness that impregnated your essence with light.

 When young, you were all-ignorance – in lack of sorrow, bright
Smote the mocking fruit of knowledge: caress with stable blaze the earth
And, rising, bless the Cimmerian shade of night.

 With scars that unfurl like ribbons of wings you will alight
Entwine your luminescence with those unmarred before the curse –
Praise the darkness that impregnated your essence with light.

 You misconstrued the pain that seared, but now you fight
No longer complacent, idle –embrace the warrior death brought forth
And, rising, bless the Cimmerian shade of night –
Praise the darkness that impregnated your essence with light.

  *Cimmerian Shade is a phrase I found that was based on the superstition in Greece that there had been a different people who lieved in a city called Cimeria found in a misty forest... a perpetually dark and mysterious place. The phrase became synonymous with Obscurity =D 
I made up the word Neverwere... it seemed appropriate here... lol.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

She's back: No more emo lists

So after that huge long rant yesterday about the things that I hate, I figured I owed you guys some things that I love.

1) That feeling you get when someone calls you beautiful, even if you don't quite believe them... the sort of jumpy feeling in your solar plexus. =]

2) Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Ice Cream, steaming hot coffee, food in general, LOL

3) Dandelions (along with all yellow flowers)

4) Bizarre movies... like Stardust and Big Fish and The Phantom of the Opera

5) Speaking spanish around people who don't understand it =P

6) Singing: everywhere... like in the shower?

7) Poetry: it's just frikkin beautiful. Reading and writing it feels like euphoria.

8) Rain in general: the smell, the storm, the sensation of it on your skin... mmmmmm

9) Roller Coastaaaahs!!!!

10) Words... I mean beautiful words. I love flabbergasted and dappled and unfurled and recreant... to name a few.


For those of you who don't know what a phizzwizard is: there are good dreams, there are bad dreams, there are nightmares and there are phizzwizards. A phizzwizard is a dream where you wake up laughing, or at the very least smiling. It makes everything seem golden, if only for a little while.

12) Greek mythology... Athena's my favorite =D

13) Dresses... like this one!

Hahaha, so there, I found more things I love than hate. =D Mouthfuls of ladybugs to you all!! (because, surprise surprise I also love ladybugs =] )

Saturday, July 18, 2009

If you want to piss me off...

Things I really hate:

1)When people say "Life isn't fair." Hell... maybe it isn't. The point is that EVERYONE is ALWAYS using that statement to justify something they're doing that is unfair. It doesn't justify anything!! If Hitler had said that to the Jews or homosexuals or mentally challenged, I doubt any of them would have agreed that because life in general is not fair they should just accept that they were going to be killed based on superficial conditions. WHY do we think that because some things happen that are not just or merited, we can turn around and do the same to other people. If you're going to make a difference in the world, make it a better place, you have to go AGAINST the unjust.

2)When parents decide that their child isn't a full person with their own identity, ideas, beliefs and desires until they turn 18. Nuff said.

3)When people are angry with you, disgusted by something you do or just plain hate you but still act friendly and happy when you're around. Then start talking to other people about whatever it is they really feel.

4) When you invest a bunch of time in someone, tell them (or show them) all those quirky details that make you YOU -basically trust them enough to let them know EXACTLY who you are -and they decide it's not good enough.

5) Onions.

6) When people who I really trust keep stuff from me -even if I tell them everything.

7) People who don't understand you and therefore decide that you're not worthy of being understood.

8)Stalkerish people... those creeps who can't help but meddle in EVERYTHING ANYONE is going through.

9)When you drink coffee and then feel dehydrated instead of having more energy.

10)The blinking cursor when you really need to write but can't think of what to say.

UGH... sorry... one of those days.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

The Non-Ending II

She wept, mired in her sorrow and

chained to mourning. She bled perpetual grief

from bruised eyes, blackened beyond recognition.

And the free hills wept with her, breathing shadows

poisoned with the absence of light.

and the stars flickered in their earthly graves,

and the skies reflected her woe, the ashes of their emptiness

slowly settling on her spirit.

When a small tendril of color caressed her face

singing itself into her battered mind

from the very depths of her surrounding hell.

She rose to face this new terror –

she lifted her broken body and trembled into the darkness

and the day came, a sun in itself

reaching out to brush away the soot from her skin as the song reached her lips.

She gasped with pain as it placed its palm on her heart

- the blackness ceased.-

She looked down, to see her skin alive again

throbbing again with new life.

and the red began to flow, sparking in her veins,

red blood, red as roses.

and it ignited her pale shell as it went.

And she blazed in the darkness like the sun.

And she laughed as her eyes became living coals

shining with life, they lifted her broken feet from the ground

and set her in the sky where she flew for the first time.

She soared through the lightning

-the indigo of her dreams reincarnated-

and roared with the thunder of her very soul

born on fiery wings, she flung fistfuls of stars back

to their nocturnal embrace

-constellations of freedom-

She alighted above the free hills

and rejoiced with them in her deliverance

she pricked her strong fingers,

planting embers of seeds with every drop of ruby

she smiled as she watched them sprout

red as roses.

She smiled to be alive,

no longer golden,

-no longer a child-

But filled with the strength of her fall

and drenched in the flames of her second coming

Thursday, July 9, 2009

The Non-Ending

Once there was a rosy child, red as roses

And she gamboled on green hills

She gamboled in the free hills,

Dotted with honeysuckle, violet delights

She drank from cool springs and laughed, she

Laughed to be alive in the glorious morning.

And when the sun reached its peak, still

She smiled, her hands became stronger,

Dropping seeds from overflowing pockets

She planted unashamedly and smiled.

And when the cool spread indigo veils over

Her pleasant frolics, she rolled in dusky pastures

And lay with arms outspread. She dusted off

Her wounded clothing, and sang, sang to be alive

In the silver shade.

And when Night fell, she slept

She slept under the sailing stars

Under the moon, humming her eternal mantras,

On the free hills she slept, and dreamt only of waking.


But the sleep only deepened, her visage became
Restless, she could not find her way out
Of the labyrinths that staved off the free hills of 
Her song.

She woke at last, like Ariadne’s lover emerging
On a birthing canal of string she shook 
Away her uneasy sleep.
No longer rosy –she saw her strong hands golden brown
Burned brown by the star’s fickle light.
And her scars sang with her as she toiled 
In the gleaming day, in the golden fields she
Toiled and sang.
She sang for the pain and the health
And she sang for joy, pure joy
To be awake and toiling in fields of white wheat.
And she grasped a red rose, as she sang
And the thorns made her bleed, so she smiled.
She smiled to be alive, thick with coursing red life.
And cool water coursed over her
And she was clean. And she laughed, lathered
In beauty and hardship –she laughed to be pure
Golden in the full-blown sunlight.

But the sun did not set, that golden day, and the shadows of sleep
Did not fall gently as settling ash.
The moon did not rise, a phantom from a brown grave.
The sun drained the blood from her body
And careened through bruises of clouds, mottled purple.
It was red, red as roses and it shook the heavens and it 
Shook the free hills as it fell. 
And the stars followed, scowling stars, thin as razors.
And they grazed her cheek as they passed.
And they burned her strong hands
Charred her golden hands as they passed.
And she ran, but she couldn’t run.
And she screamed but she couldn’t sing.
And she wept, she wept to be alive in the time of fire.
She wept for her hands, black as sin.
And she wept for her face, pale as a death delayed.
And she wept to linger in the valley of shadows
To linger and see the roses gray with age
Dripping mildew and 
She wept to be alone with the chaff that scratched her mottled skin
In the whimpering wind. She wept for the free hills
Dark with shame.

*This is a poem I wrote just after I was molested. It basically describes how I felt... I might write a second part about how things turn up. =]