Latest Obsessions: Epicness I can't stop listening to lately

Monday, July 20, 2009

I wrote a new poem... in a very different style than my usual. So I thought I'd post it and see what people thought. It's inspired by Dylan Thomas's "Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night" and in a form called Villanelle... which basically means every line ends in one of two sounds (lotsa rhyming) and that there are two lines repeated alternated at the end of each stanza. What I meant to say with the poem is that (although this sounds campy) I'm grateful for the dark time that I went through... all the crap and pain. I feel like I've become something brighter... something with more purpose through it. Hope ya'll like it =]

And, Rising

And, rising, bless the Cimmerian shade of night
With cupped snowflake-skin flowing, bathed in sultry rebirth
Praise the darkness that impregnated your essence with light.

 Now permeated with scent of ashes, grasp with might
the memories of a child once holy in its innocence of mirth
And, rising, bless the Cimmerian shade of night.

 And gaze raptly, effervescent, drunk with flight –
into the Neverwere of existence that soured your birth
Praise the darkness that impregnated your essence with light.

 When young, you were all-ignorance – in lack of sorrow, bright
Smote the mocking fruit of knowledge: caress with stable blaze the earth
And, rising, bless the Cimmerian shade of night.

 With scars that unfurl like ribbons of wings you will alight
Entwine your luminescence with those unmarred before the curse –
Praise the darkness that impregnated your essence with light.

 You misconstrued the pain that seared, but now you fight
No longer complacent, idle –embrace the warrior death brought forth
And, rising, bless the Cimmerian shade of night –
Praise the darkness that impregnated your essence with light.

  *Cimmerian Shade is a phrase I found that was based on the superstition in Greece that there had been a different people who lieved in a city called Cimeria found in a misty forest... a perpetually dark and mysterious place. The phrase became synonymous with Obscurity =D 
I made up the word Neverwere... it seemed appropriate here... lol.


  1. Of course I totally love this!! I love your new word, I thought it was a good balance for the rythym. And I love how you soooo know what you are talking about, drawing a picture almost of how you have changed. Its just wonderful!!!

  2. Thanks, Jana, I really appreciate it. =]
