Latest Obsessions: Epicness I can't stop listening to lately

Monday, June 29, 2009

Hey: Introductions

Hey, my name is Phoenix Alias [but not really] and this is kind of an experiment. I want to be a writer, but I don't really know how far that's going to go... so here's what I'm doing. I'm creating this blog where I'll talk about myself a lot [like a diary..?] and practice writing while also just creating a basic description of the life of a teenage girl. I dunno... maybe it will be helpful to someone. I may post poetry, prose, lyrics and stuff as well to see what people think of them. I'd love positive and negative feedback on anything I post here, hope everyone enjoys it.

A little about me: I'm a 16 year old girl going into my senior year of high school. I'm American by birth. I love coffee, roller coasters, writing (of course), debate, rain (ESPECIALLY rain), chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream, and sticking my head out of the car while it's moving... (even though my mom always says it's going to get lopped off one day). Hope people actually read and get something from this. =]

1 comment:

  1. Hey, you've got a great start here. Thanks for dropping by my page as well. As you may have noticed, I'm a writer, so I'll try to be of some help. Where are you thinking of going to college?
